
2008-09-08 5:32 am








回答 (3)

2008-09-08 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, take it easy man. Nothing special. Everything relationship starts like this. She must be an attractive lady. I see you are a nice man too. Kissing is normal and nothing fast. Great job. You want to occupy her and feeling that you may lost her, that is also normal too, as a man, it is a dominating nature.
Now, all you need to do is get some other work to do, like exercise, or focus more on study or work. But at the same time, let her go to beijing with more BREATHING ROOM, but make sure to call her daily in person. Ask her how she is doing, one time a day before she sleep is enough. Regular CARING actions are needed. If she ask ... "Do you miss me", answer very fast say ..."I miss you very much o... wish that you are by my side." ... make her feel important and you need her....

When she come back, pick her up from airport ... give her a gentle kiss.
and say ... "I am a good man and have been waiting for you a long time."
and give her a good longer hug ... whisper in her ear... in public !!! very important...

and when the time is right ... she will treat you better if she is a fair person ... and if she is ready to escalate the relationship, she will also do it ...
take it slow and let the lady drive ... and you as the gentleman side ... do what you can to make her feel great ... and once she feel good, the defense will be less, and she will give you more in return ...

that is the art of relationship.

YOU CARE ABOUT HER, stop denying it ... it is just that she is still TOO COLD to you and your man pride/ego make you feel that ADDING MORE LOVE TO THE RELATIONSHIP is not a good deal ... and you want to back off ...

Anyway, if you follow my advice ... you should be fine.
Dont waste a good lady if she is worth it.

all the best.

2008-12-11 6:41 am
如果戀愛中充滿了工作而沒有玩耍,將會十分無聊,當大家在一起玩的時候,就是在一起彼此相處的時候,是很有價值的。今天真正困擾我們的是一個觀念:“玩” 通常是你所有的工作都做完之後才作的事。但問題是:我們的工作永遠作不完,甚至當我們年紀到了,退休了的時候,我們仍然會有事情作,這樣的結果是,愛情裡面的樂趣就被丟到窗外去了!
2008-09-08 6:47 pm
友情 / 愛情 都係一種感覺, 感覺需要互動, 需要互相去配合對方,你覺得自己愛對方,如果你想要改變佢,變成一個你心目中喜歡既人,你應該考慮搵一個更加適合你既對象。愛一個人唔一定需要擁有對方,男女之間唔一定只有愛情。愛情好多時會不知不覺中轉變為感情同友情,你會逐漸將對方視作你生命中既一部分,有D人因為唔可以離對方而選擇結婚,有D人選擇追逐激情而去愛另一個人。但更重要既係,你要問自己愛過之後你學倒D乜嘢。

有D人因為唔可以再離對方而選擇結婚,有D人會選擇追逐愛情。但更重要既係,你要問自己你學左D乜嘢。希望下次唔好再犯同樣既錯?! 愛情需要講緣份,緣來緣去,緣起緣滅。點解兩個人偏偏會相遇相愛? 你要記住,緣份好可能就係你哋彼此之間既每一個既選擇,你地每一句既說話,每一個既諗法, 每一個既決定都可能影響彼此之間既緣份。如果當你已經盡左最大既努力,愛情依然發現無法延續,咁就可能係時間(timing)上出現左問題。如果當愛情唔能夠同時出現响大家身上,就好多時會變成有緣無份!?

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