terms of piano

2008-09-08 5:09 am
A) what are the difference between :
1. sequence & imitation
2. counterpoint & contrapuntal writing & 2parts invention

B) 如果要講首歌既structure應該點講

C) Can u give me some the example of them :
1. variation,fugue,dances,atonic music, blues jazz,modal music
2. three composers in 20th century

D) Can u tell me the meaning of these terms
1. modal music
2. atonic
3. blues jazz

回答 (2)

2008-09-08 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are lots of books about music terms in library or you can just google can get the answers in words.

If you wanna have a better understanding, it's better to get the record and listen to it. Or else, it's difficult to understand by words. THIS IS MUSIC!
2008-09-18 4:29 pm
Why don't you post the question again? This question is not too difficult but sometimes I'm too busy to answer this question.

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