
2008-09-08 4:58 am
我現在修讀的課程需要在3科optional modules中選擇一科修讀


你好,我的名字是XXX.我是XXX Programme的學生,我的optional modules選擇是A科。這次來信是想跟你商量optional modules中的轉科問題。

由於郵遞上的錯誤,本人一直未能收到貴校的入學通知信。直到後來與貴校工作人員溝通過後才到貴校取回通知信。由於當時已臨近繳費deadline,所以工作人員希望我即時選擇我的optional modules科目,由於時間太倉猝,我沒有好好衡量過自己的能力就選科。直到上星期我完成A科的第一堂課,由於過去從沒修讀過A科的有關科目,本人對於應付課堂深感吃力,擔心會影響這一年學業的整體成績,所以現懇請你能酌情處理,容許本人從A科轉為B科,本人有信心在B科取得良好成績


回答 (2)

2008-09-09 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mr XXX, You are good, my name is XXX. I is XXX Programme student, my optional the modules choice is a branch. This incoming letter is wants to discuss in optional modules with you to be transferred to another department the question. Because mails on the mistake, myself had not been able to receive your school the matriculation notice letter. Until afterward was the personnel with the expensive school janitor to communicate will arrive from now on only then at your school recaption notice letter. Because at that time had approached pays expenses deadline, therefore the staff hoped that I choose my optional immediately the modules subject, because the time is too hasty, I do not have to weigh my ability to be elective well. I completed a branch until last week the first hall class, because the past ever has not studied a branch related subject, myself regarding dealt with classroom deeply feeling to be strenuous, worried that could affect this year studies the overall result, therefore presently requests earnestly you to be able to act at one's discretion, allowed that myself transferred the B branch from a branch, myself had the confidence to make the good progress in the B branch This time event all neglect stemming from myself, had not thought that clear then carelessly elective, myself deeply feel was sorry, and understood that should take the biggest responsibility. But hoped that you can act at one's discretion, give myself the opportunity to be transferred to another department, myself must put one's heart and soul surely to complete the curriculum, very thanks
2008-09-08 5:39 am
I don't kwon....

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