
2008-09-08 2:02 am
1)requires more storage area
2)may not be consumed at once for large size package
3)all products may not be consumed before expired,money is wasted
4)may consume more than enough just because it happens to be in the home
5)cause difficulty if delivery service is not provided
6)food chosen for hotpot may not be nutritional balanced:
~ variety of meat and seafood,which are high in fat and cholesterol
content,are usually served
~ limited amount of starchy food and vegetables,which give full feeling and
contain dietary fibre,are served;this will increase the consumption of meat
or seafood
7)too much salt will be consumed if strong flavoured soup and dipping
sauces are used,this may not be suitable for those who suffer from high
blood pressure
8)food poisoning may be caused if soup is not boiled or ingredients are
not cooked thoroughly,
9)if raw egg is used as dipping sause,food can be contaminated with
10)if the same of chopsticks is used to handle both raw and cooked food
,this way lead to cross contamination of bacteria

回答 (1)

2008-09-08 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

1)requires more storage area需要多些儲存地方
2)may not be consumed at once for large size package對於大體積的包裝,一次可能用不完
3)all products may not be consumed before expired,money is wasted全部產品可能在過期前用不完,便浪費了金錢
4)may consume more than enough just because it happens to be in the home因著在家食用,可能會食用超過合適的用量
5)cause difficulty if delivery service is not provided如果沒有送貨服務,會帶來困難
6)food chosen for hotpot may not be nutritional balanced:火鍋的選用食物可能不是均衡營養的:
~ variety of meat and seafood,which are high in fat and cholesterol
content,are usually served通常供應的多款肉類和海鮮,含有高脂肪及膽固醇
~ limited amount of starchy food and vegetables,which give full feeling and contain dietary fibre,are served;this will increase the consumption of meat or seafood 碳水化合物類的食物和蔬菜,含有食用纖維,令人有飽肚的感覺,因著供應的份量有限,增加了進食肉類和海鮮
7)too much salt will be consumed if strong flavoured soup and dipping 如果用濃味的湯和點醬汁,便會過量攝取鹽份,
sauces are used,
this may not be suitable for those who suffer from high blood pressure這對於高血壓的患者是不適宜的
8)food poisoning may be caused if soup is not boiled or ingredients are not cooked thoroughly, 如果湯未完全煲滾,或者配料沒有完全煮熟,可能帶來食物中毒
9)if raw egg is used as dipping sause,food can be contaminated with
10)if the same of chopsticks is used to handle both raw and cooked food ,this way lead to cross contamination of bacteria 如果用相同的筷子去處理生和熟的食物,就會做成細菌交叉感染


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