Physics Electric Circuit

2008-09-07 9:47 pm
A) According to the formaula "V=IR", the voltage across the ends of a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, where R is constant and provided that the temperature and other physical conditions are unchanged.
B) However, some books say that: 電壓高,電流就少;所以發電廠輸出的電壓特別高,以減少電氣流失. That means the voltage is inversely proportional to the current, which disobeys the formula "V=IR".
So, does statement B correct?

Here's a complete circuit with a 2Vcell, conducting wire and a 2V light bulb only. Comparing with another complete circuit with a 6V cell, conducting wire and a 6V light bulb, which circuit have a higher current? Should it be the one with a 6V cell? Because the current is directly proportional to the voltage according to "V=IR".

Cell provides electrical energy to the charges. Does the electrial energy speed up the flow of the charges?

From I=Q/T and V=E/Q,
we can deduce an equation I=E/(VT).
Does this equation help finding out the current usefully?
Suppose there is a 2V cell and a 2V light bulb in a complete circuit without any other resistance.
The equation becomes I=2/(2T)
If the time recording is one second, the equation now becomes I=1.
So the current of the circuit is 1A. Is it correct?

Suppose there is a complete circuit with a 6V cell, conducting wire and three 3V light bulb, why do they extract the same energy of 2J? But not the first light bulb extract 3J, the second extract 2J and the last one extract 1J from the charges? Also, what will happen if those three 3V light bulb are replaced with a 4J, 3V and 2V light bulb?

回答 (2)

2008-09-07 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要分清楚potential difference同potential既分別
here V means the potential difference across a resistance R
電壓高,電流就少;所以發電廠輸出的電壓特別高,以減少電氣流失is correct
發電廠輸出的Output power is a constant. by P=VI, if potential is higher, current will be smaller
if u want to calculate power lose, remember here P=VI=V/R²=I²R where V is potential difference.

2V light bulb only means it works best in 2V p.d. Resistance is not given.
So no conclusion about current can be drawn.

flow of the charges 出現係因為有potential differnece,
p.d愈大, flow就愈大
而charges gain electrical energy只係可以說明charges既potential 高左

你條式既問題出現o係 E, 你話E=2,呢個根本唔知
你只知energy gain per coulomb across the cell is 2J

如果3個3v light bulb既resistance係一樣既話, gain in energy is 2J for each light bulb. because p.d. across each bulb is the same.

what will happen if those three 3V light bulb are replaced with a 4J, 3V and 2V light bulb?
2008-09-07 10:50 pm
1. Statement B is correct.
There is an assumption in making the statement, the ouput power from the power station is constant.
Since power = voltage x current, the higher the voltage, the smaller is the current under the condition of a constant power output.
Ohm's Law doesn't have any limitation on the power of the circuit.
2. You can't tell which bulb consumes larger current because the resistance of the bulb determines the current in the circuit. (I = V/R)
3. Electrical energy is provided by the cell to the charges in the form of kinetic energy of the charges.
4. The calculation is NOT correct. You cannot say that E=2 J
5. The energy consumed by the bulbs depends on the current, which in turn dtermined by the bulb resistance.
You cannot say that each bulb must consume 2 J of energy (in fact, the statement that '....they extract the same energy 2J' is misleading, since the time is not specified).

It seems that your concept in current electricity is in problem. You have to read carefully your physics text to grasp a correct understanding.

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