[Physics] Electrostatics

2008-09-07 8:29 pm
1. 什麼是靜電? 跟我們家用的市電有何分別?

2. 是否所有物質經Rubbing之後 eg. 塑膠, 金屬, 都會有靜電產生?

ps 請不要copy一大段言之無物的東西給我.

Hey physics8801, 既然no static charges can be found on metals. 咁點解會有呢個case: Aircrafts have the same problems as petrol tankers. Charge is built up on the body of the planes due to friction with the air. It would be very dangerous when they are refueled.

回答 (2)

2008-09-08 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 什麼是靜電? 跟我們家用的市電有何分別?

Static electricity (靜電) is charges (電苛) that are immobile (i.e. cannot flow). Henece, static electricity can only be found on non-conducting materials such as plastic, glass etc.

Household electricity (市電) concerns with electric current. That is, charges that flow along electric wires.

Apart from mobility of charges, the potential (電位) generally associated with static charges is much higher than that in household electricity, but the amount of charges involved in the former is small.

2. 是否所有物質經Rubbing之後 eg. 塑膠, 金屬, 都會有靜電產生?

Rubbing could produce charges. It only depends on the conductivity of the material whether the produced charges could remain.

Since plastic or glass are non-conducting materials, the charges produced by rubbing can be maintained for some time without being drained away by conduction.

Copper (or other metals), on the other hand, is a good conducting material. Any charge that produced can flow away instantly, thus inhibiting any static charge be found on it.
2008-09-07 9:29 pm
1.The interactions between static electric charges is called electrostatics.
市電 is a.c.
2.After rubbing,only塑膠有靜電產生

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