Stuck on tough math homework. I need help?

2008-09-06 8:43 am
Determine 48 1/2%(yes thats a mixed number as percent) of $ 9,183 rounded to the nearest cent.

486 kg is 25% of what measurement?
Round your answer to two decimal places if necessary.

I also have to put in the units of measurement..would it just be 'kg'?

回答 (4)

2008-09-06 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Change the mixed number to a decimal to make the problem look normal. Then all you have to do is change the percent to a decimal by dividing by 100 (because all percents are a decimal multiplied by 100), then multiply the whole (in this case the dollar amount) by the resulting decimal. What you get by doing all of this is .485 x 9183.

2. By remembering that 25% is .25 or 1/4 this problem is very simple. 4 x 486.

3. Yes the units get carried throughout the problem so the answer would be "kg"
2008-09-06 6:08 pm
$9183 x 48 1/2%
= $9183 x (48 1/2)/100
= $9183 x (97/2)/100
= $9183 x (97/2)(1/100)
= $9183 x 97/200
= $890751/200
= $4453.755
≈ $4453.76 (rounded to the nearest cent)

486 ÷ 25%
= 486 ÷ 25/100
= 486 x 100/25
= 48600/25
= 1944 kg
2008-09-06 3:53 pm
100 48.5
9'183 x=9183X48.5/100 =4453.755 $
100 25
Y 486kg,then Y=486X100/25=1944 kg
GOOD LUCK on your studies.
2008-09-06 3:50 pm
0.485 * $9,183 = $4,453.76
Answer: $4,453.76

x * 0.25 = 486 kg
x = 486 * 4 = 1944 kg
Answer: 1944 kg

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