請問有人熟知美國有關兒童法例, 請幫幫我, 我心中有很多困擾?

2008-09-07 5:29 am
我女兒在美國出世, 但在香港長大, 拿藍色面的美國蔎照, 今年15歲。本來今年7 月尾用美國交流學生身份到了okalahoma的edmond city讀high school, 但由於她今年4 月初在港威院曾做了一個脊柱側彎手術, 好成功, 此手術出發前己報告清楚給香港agent, 亦有在medicate report上註明,怎知到了那美國那邊, 那邊的agent 才發現看漏了我女兒的mrdical report上的comments(有做手術), 這個情況學生包的那份保險是不受保, 因為其中條是講明做過手術後, 不能在6 個月內入境, 基於這個情況, 學校要我女兒保買保險, 但要包括脊骨, 要我在兩三天內買到保險, 最後當然找不到有保險受保喇, 那邊agent就自己出錢買機票要我女兒回港, 在是8 月尾回港, 現在都未有學校收, 給她理科學位, 只能在家中等回覆, 好慘!


(2)如果是公民, 我女兒未滿十八歲, 不是受美國政府保護, 無錢買保險都會受政府醫療照故?
(3)我女兒入境後, 住在host family家中, 是不是有權入讀當區的學校, 不論她是否有買保險, 都不能拒絕收她入學, 是嗎?

如果有人清楚, 請給我e-mail add. or tel no. 給我解答所有疑難, 非當謝謝。

回答 (6)

2008-09-08 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) At the very beginning, your daughter is already a citizen of the United States.

2) Remember, no hospital can turn you around because you don't have insurance or limited ability to pay. The only problem is how you repay it.

3) It is a definitely yes. As soon as your daunghter or any person with the custody can provide a proof of address, the school can't reject you unless it is full in capacity. (They will make arrangement to help your daughter instead).

In your case, the problem is not the questions you asked. It is how the case can go to this situation.

First of all, the agent assumes that your daughter is an exchange student. Therefore, the school doesn't want to bear any olibgation.

Second, why exchange? Your daughter can simply go there and finish the high school without fee (of course there is a cost of living).

In your description, you have not really said what you want. Drop a message to me and tell us more in order to help you.
2008-09-10 6:14 am
First, no offen(ce), but the answer of the other guy is not correct... The school district (has the) right to refuse your daughter to enroll( ) into their school, but not becasue they do not have health insurance. But because PUBLIC LIABILITY forbit(s) them from (enrolling) your child.
2008-09-09 6:28 pm
first, your case should be very simple, BUT i dont know how come you make it so complicate....????

1, your daughter borned in USA, she is American, no matter how old and where she are.

2, all children under 18 are protected by Fedreal and states law with health care if their parent did not provide them health insurance. while ago, my kids used the kid health program too.

but the trouble you got is because your daughter used EXCHANGE STUDENT staute to entry US school. why, why, why???

all you simple ro do is find a friend or relative live in USA who can take care your daughter and then she can go to any public school in that area. school never require student must buy health insurance, except foreign student----------- so that mean the schoold had treated your daughter as foreign student instead America citizen.---------IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT.!

PS. 100 precent of USA public school are disability accessble after 1977 the congress passed the disability law.
參考: free to e mail me if you need to know more.
2008-09-08 4:42 pm

(2)如果是公民, 我女兒未滿十八歲, 不是受美國政府保護, 無錢買保險都會受政府醫療照故?
你女兒是受美國政府保護,當然在美國境内無錢買保險都會受政府醫療照顧,但係如果你所病的東西不在美國保是不包含的,事後需Give Back The Money!

(3)我女兒入境後, 住在host family家中, 是不是有權入讀當區的學校, 不論她是否有買保險, 都不能拒絕收她入學, 是嗎?
參考: ME (i live in NY)
2008-09-07 2:43 pm
深藍都答曬. 小朋友無保險,學校都要收.因為有乜事父母要上身.就算冇錢每個月都要供.否則醫院有權申請父母破產.甘agent或者host-family冇理由孭上身.梗係送走你個女.
2008-09-07 10:57 am

但她是美國籍,父母不在身邊,盡責的host family 會幫她申請點社會補助,再跟醫院商量打個折,但這還是很貴,我去年看過一個台灣來的小男孩,有美籍身份父母也不在身邊也沒保險的,結果他得了自發性氣胸,開刀花了2萬多$,這還是醫院打折後的價錢


2008-09-07 09:02:42 補充:

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