
2008-09-07 12:44 am
office building at cost $300,000
provison for depreciation of office building $90,000

plant and machinery at cost $150,000
provison for depreciation of plant and machinery $87,000

Additional information
provision for annual depreciation of depreciation of fixed assets are as follows:

office building 5%p.a. on cost
plant and machinery 10%p.a. on net book value

我想問係profit and loss果到點計e兩項or洗唔洗計...


回答 (2)

2008-09-07 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
根據你給的Additional information,本年在做 fixed assets 的depreciation 時,所要做的voucher 如下:
1. office building
Dr depreciation $15,000 (300,000X5%) (P/L)
Cr provison for depreciation of office building $15,000 (B/S)

2. plant and machinery
Dr depreciation $6,300 { (150,000-87,000)X10%}(P/L)
Cr provison for depreciation of plant and machinery $ 6,300 (B/S)

上面的depreciation 就會計入本年的profit & loss account (15000+6300=21,300)
2008-09-07 1:12 pm

building = DR provison for depreciation of office building 15000 every year

plant = DR provision for annual depreciation of depreciation (150000 - 87000) x 5 % = 3150

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