Urgent!! About Excel

2008-09-07 12:19 am
*Please answer all the questions as soon as possible. Thankyou very much^^
1.The following worksheet shows the assessment results of 4 students:
A , B , C , D , E
1)Name , Test1 , Test2 , Exam , Total
2)Chan Man-lun , 56 , 78 , 78
3)Cheung Lai-mei , 89 , 96 , 91
4)Ho Yue-chung , 78 , 45 , 56
5)Law Kun-tin , 90 , 22 , 45
8)Weight of Test1 , 0.1
9)Weight of Test2 , 0.2
10)Weight of Exam , 0.7

(a)The values in cells E2, E3, E4, and E5 are calculated by the following mathematical expression:

Test1 × Weight of Test1 + Test2 × Weight of Test2 + Exam × Weight of Exam
These values represent the assessment totals of students.
(i)Write the formula that should be stored in cell E2.
(ii)A student finds the correct value in cell E2. When the formula stored in cell E2 is copied to cells E3, E4, and E5, the figures showing the totals in cells E3, E4, and E5 are wrong. Suggest ONE reason for the error.

(b)Cell E6 is used to show the average of the 4 assessment totals. Write the formula that should be stored in cell E6.

(c)Give ONE advantage of using an electronic spreadsheet, instead of a calculator, to find the assessment result of students.

回答 (2)

2008-09-07 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文太差, 為免出醜, 我用中文作答, 唔好見怪!
(a)(i) =B2*B8+C2*B9+D2*B10
(a)(ii) B8,B9,B10應設定為絶對參照值, 即$B$8, $B$9, $B$10, 未有設定便複製公式, 因而出錯.
(c)更快捷, 更準確, 可追溯性, 可儲存性, 可修改性, 方便資料統計

2008-09-10 10:45:00 補充:
試吓講多少少,(c) 我試吓解釋其中一個point, 好似可修改性, 例如: 當計算總成績後, 發現學生普遍成績欠佳, 調查後得知, Exam出題難度還高, 之後決定將Exam分數比重調低, 比重更改成 0.15, 0.25, 0.6, 利用Excel計分, 只需修改比重便可計出成績, 不用重新計算
2008-09-07 8:10 am
I think these questions are homework, and you should try your best to solve it before asking the people. Do you think so??愛CHOY之人??

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