the advantages of attending the tutorial class

2008-09-06 11:35 pm
the advantages of attending the tutorial class

回答 (1)

2008-09-08 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Advantages include:- students get more learning opportunities, better exam skills, and hopefully higher exam results; - students also feel more comfortable and more confident when it seems that under the guidance of excellent tutors they can get better results;- higher demand for tutorial classes also implies that more business & job opportunities are created for "investors" and tutors

2008-09-08 15:41:20 補充:
This can also be an opportunity for students to make more new friends who come from other schools.

2008-09-08 15:43:01 補充:
If your parents are very rich, have lots of money to waste, there is no harm joining as many tutorial classes as possible.

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