a televison set marked $350 is sold at a discount of 15% ?

2008-09-05 6:44 pm
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回答 (6)

2008-09-05 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Notice that we need to take 15% off the total price of $350.00.

Therefore, find the amount of money that will be taken off of $350.00 by multiplying it by 0.15 [equivalent of 15%] to get:

$350.00 x 0.15 = 52.5

Now, subtract 52.50 from $350 to get:

$350 - $52.50 = $297.50 <=== FINAL ANSWER

I hope that helps you out! Please let me know if you have any other questions!
參考: College Calculus Student ; Math Tutor
2008-09-06 1:50 am
350 x 0.15 = 52.50 (discount)
Therefore the selling price is: 350 - 52.50 = $297.50
2008-09-06 1:49 am
350-(0.15*350) = $297.50

Alternatively, 350*0.85 = $297.50
2008-09-06 2:10 am
15 % of $350
15/100 X $350 (of or X is the same thing)
0.15 X $350 =5.25 ( 15/100 = 0.15)

new price= usual price - Discount
$350 - 52.5 = 297.5

hope it's helpful for u.
2008-09-06 2:03 am
350 * .15*350=52.50

2008-09-06 2:01 am
$350 x (1 - 15%) (1 = 100%)
= $350 x 85%
= $350 x 85/100
= $350 x 17/20
= $5950/20
= $297.5

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