
2008-09-06 1:19 am
For a football match to be really, trully memorable, the kind of game that sends you home buzzing inside with the fulfilment of it all, you require as many
of the following features as possible.

我想問一下它的句子結構, 它的動詞在哪? 請詳細說明

回答 (3)

2008-09-06 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
如樓上 hahatse 兄所說,呢句對應原文,就係 you require as many of the following features as possible。
如果逐字對譯,會出現「你需要愈多以下特點愈好」,但呢句唔係中文講法。好簡單:「你做乜需要呢d特點?」唔係你需要,係場比賽要有呢d特點。所以我譯作「以下的特點就要愈多愈好」。留意,英文說明一d觀點時,經常好似呢句咁用 you。
但話說回頭,就呢個英文句子去睇,全句o既主句係 you require as many of the following features as possible,當中動詞當然只有 require;句子其他部份只係補充、修飾。
2008-09-06 1:50 am
這句句子主要句子是:you require as many of....,所以動詞是:rquire
而for a football match to be really, trully memorable, the kind of game that sends you home buzzing inside with the fulfilment of it all,可說是短語,要來帶出原因
這裏的to be其實是不動詞(to infinitive),而that sends you...是關係子句,用來形容game.
2008-09-06 1:29 am
sends 係動詞, 因為 "the kind of game"係 noun, noun之後should be 動詞;

require都係動詞, 因為你要求緊一d嘢!

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