10點!請譯英文 (不要網譯謝謝)

2008-09-05 7:35 pm
1) 經查證後,貴公司退回來的皮帶,是 2004 年 9 月出的貨。至那時為止皮帶扣仍未轉為金屬扣。直到 2004 年 12 月貴公司確認更加新樣板後,由 PO# 123456 開始至今,出貨都皮帶都是用金屬扣。

2) 請知悉貴公司開的貨款支票被銀行退票了。現結算了雙方仍有的未清帳款 (詳細請看附件),貴公司需付我廠 $123456。請盡快回覆何時會支付我司此欠款。

回答 (4)

2008-09-05 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) After clarification, we found that the leather belt that your company returned belonged to the lot shipped in September, 2004. During that period the buckle has not yet been changed to metal buckle. The metal buckle was used after your confirmation on the approval of the new metal buckle sample in December, 2004, and we started to ship all leather belt with metal buckle from PO # 123456.

2) Please kindly note that the cheque issued by your company as payment of PO # ??? has been rejected by the bank. Hereby we have listed out all the outstanding payment as per attached list. The total sum to be paid to our factory is $ 123456. Please urgently advise us when will all these outstanding payments be paid to our factory.

參考: Myself
2016-11-26 3:02 pm
1) After clarification, we found that the leather belt that your company returned belonged to the lot shipped in September, 2004. During that period the buckle has not yet been changed to metal buckle. The metal buckle was used after your confirmation on the approval of the new metal buckle sample in December, 2004, and we started to ship all leather belt with metal buckle from PO # 123456.

2) Please kindly note that the cheque issued by your company as payment of PO # ??? has been rejected by the bank. Hereby we have listed out all the outstanding payment as per attached list. The total sum to be paid to our factory is $ 123456. Please urgently advise us when will all these outstanding payments be paid to our factory.
2008-09-06 2:24 am
1. Having verified your case, we observed that the rejected leather belts were under the product batch in Sept 2004. And, the buckles should not be made in metal at that moment. It was until Dec 2004, the upgraded model was confirmed by your company that all the leather belts were equipped with metal buckle. The issue was starting from the PO#123456 up to now.
2. Please be advised that your cheque for settlement was bounced. Attached please find a list of the outstanding invoices. The amount pending for settlement is $123456. Kindly advise us the earliest date of settlement.

2008-09-06 10:56:32 補充:
the second line : "made in metal" , revised as"made of metal"
2008-09-05 11:06 pm
1) after verification, your company returned to the belt, the moon is in September 2004 shipment. At that time, to date has yet to metal belt withholding deduction. Until December 2004 the Company confirmed more new model, by the PO # 123456 start date, shipments are belts with metal are deducted.

2) Please open your company aware of the purchase price of the refund cheques by banks. The two sides are still clearing the outstanding balance (for details see Annex), your company pay $ 123,456 in our factory. Please reply as soon as possible when the Secretary for this I will pay arrears.

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