
2008-09-05 7:18 pm
我之前send 了一個e-mail 出去~不過原來件事解決左,咁我而家想send 多一個同人講唔好理之前果個e-mail ,要文法好一d~~thx

回答 (3)

2008-09-05 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XX,

With reference to my email sent to you on (better give a date, or something like 3 hours ago) regarding (the topic of that email), I would like to let you know the issue has been solved.

Hence please disregard my previous email.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards
參考: Myself
2008-09-05 10:34 pm
我之前send 了一個e-mail 出去~不過原來件事解決左,咁我而家想send 多一個同人講唔好理之前果個e-mail ,要文法好一d~~thx
Hi, xxx
I refer to my email dated dd/mm (refer attached)
Kindly ignore the said email as the case mentioned has already been settled.

2008-09-05 7:22 pm
Please ignore the pervious e-mail as the problem has been solved

Sorry for the inconvience
參考: ME

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