What do you think of Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC?

2008-09-04 1:50 pm
I am glad John McCain picked a woman as running mate, the first time that the Republicans did so. But Governor Palin's speech sounded more like pep rally than substance. No talk about the economy, no talk about the situation in Iraq. Do you think she really qualifies as VP, given that she is only one step away from the presidency if the two were elected and McCain is an old man?

回答 (37)

2008-09-04 1:56 pm
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She is hot. I mean if I were in Alaska, I'd totally drill her pipeline.
2008-09-04 2:12 pm
Why is everyone making such a big deal about her speech? Someone please tell me what was so great about it!! It had NO substance at all! All she did the entire time was have an attitude and take jabs at Obama and Biden but did not once give us her plans to change things. It reminded me of a football pep rally where my school would just talk **** about the school we are playing just to get the crowd cheering!! And no it's not supposed to be like a pep rally!! Obama didn't come out and just attack McCain and Palin, he gave us his plan and actually told us what he is going to change to back up his words! And anyone who says this is the best speech they have ever heard needs to get out more. Are you kidding me? You should go look up a RFK or Clinton speech!! It might put things in perspective!!
2008-09-04 6:18 pm
Don't let anyone convince you with speeches, gender or race!

Do research from multiple sources, find out the facts yourself and then decide who's the most qualified candidate
2008-09-04 2:04 pm
I thought she hit a homerun! As far as economy... by lowering taxes means more people go to work... (dunno why this is suck a hard topic people cannot figure out) they will focus on alternative energy (means more jobs) they will open up drilling (means more jobs) More Jobs means better economy.

As far as stance in Iraq... she made it very clear that this war will be a victory and that it will be handled properly. After all she will be a mother of a son in the infantry!

And please, wait till the debates when those questions are to answered. So both parties can argue which side and why they feel the way they do. Then if you don't get the answers you like. Make your decision there... It was a great speech (Obama doesn't write his either)
2008-09-04 5:31 pm
I loved it! Palin hit a home run, and I am almost certain that her and McCain will ride confidently all the way to the White House. I don't know how all the liberals figure that it was just a pep rally. She helped us to better know herself and John McCain as politicians who's careers actually show the change they have made, rather than empty words.

I think its becoming clear to many that when you take away the rhetoric, and the loudspeakers, and the absurdly large crowds, all you have from Obama is empty words, and not much of a plan to go with. There is a lot of indecisiveness too. I don't see how anyone in their right mind can support Obama. He is a socialist and can't even make a decision. He has not one iota of military or foreign policy knowledge, only 140 something days in the senate. And people want him to run our country?! Lol.

McCain/Palin '08
參考: Common Sense
2008-09-05 10:20 am
Well, I may be in the minority on this one...I did not like Hillary, but after hearing Palin ..I now like Hillary.
If Palin can say, on the record, that Hillary was a whiner, then she better be real prepared to take on the big boys in Washington.
And let's not hear her whine.

If anyone thinks her speech made a dent on anything important then they were not watching the same thing I did.

If she is a strong woman and wants to play with the Big Boys, then play, but don't keep yelling sexist when things don't go the way you think they should. Either bring it on, or take your toys and go home.
You can't say you are a reformer and won't back down, and then flip back to that whiny side and say you are being picked on, the rules are the rules and you either play by them, and get where you want to go and then change the rules, or don't bother to play.
You can not change those rules mid game.

I feel she was picked as a running mate to get McCain elected, just a token and I as a women am not impressed.
It is an embarrassment .

2008-09-04 5:00 pm
It was well written,sure she a mother,she got family issues just like everyboy else big deal .....this country cannot have four more yrs of the last eight yrs under republicans....for someone that was not following the election and did't know much about obama....am just dessapointed all around but i will vote for obama
2008-09-06 3:32 am
Sarah Palin provided no plans for the nation's economy, or the war. Everything she said during that speech was aggressive and smug. All of her comments about Senator Obama were very passive. I don't think she is ready at all for the presidency. And if anything were to happen to Senator McCain, I don't know what kind of job she would do.
2008-09-04 9:59 pm
I think she did very well especially since it was her debut speech in front of such a large audience. She was confident and fiery even though the media is attacking her, good for her. But still I don't believe that government should have a voice on how the citizens should run their personal lives. I also find it immoral to invade and occupy other countries with reason of "to establish a stable, prosperous, and democratic state". It's funny that they only do that in oil-rich countries. I didn't see the US tried "to establish a stable, prosperous, and democratic state" in Rwanda, Chechnya, etc. So republicans can guarantee of not having my vote. But kudos for Palin's speech last night though.
2008-09-05 12:11 am
She did an awesome job considering all that she needed to cover. Perhaps she could have spent time discussing the economy and war, but since the libs keep blasting her, she needed to set the record straight.

I'm sick of hearing the liberals say how they haven't discussed anything that has meaning - they're not done with the convention yet! I sense a little jealousy..
2008-09-04 6:19 pm
She is a good liar and full of anger and those are the greatest assets all politicians should have. We should forget about Obama, Biden and McCain and elect her to be President. She is a mini version of Bush.

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