f.4 specific heat capacity

2008-09-05 3:48 am
After adding some impurities, the specific heat capacity of that substance will be higher or lower? Plaese explain detail

回答 (2)

2008-09-06 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
specific heat capacity will NEVER change as it refer to ONE SUBSTANCE ONLY.So you must say that after adding impurities, it becomes ANOTHER SUBSTANCE.
But if you compare the two substances,the specific heat capacity would be higher or lower due to what you add.
If the specific heat capacity of the substance you add is higher than the original, the final specific heat capacity will be higher.
If the specific heat capacity of the substance you add is lower than the original, the final specific heat capacity will be lower.
2008-09-05 5:24 am
if u mean adding some impurities into water in a cup,
then the specific heat capacity of water does not change because water is water..it's chemical content doesn't change.

but if u consider all the substances in the cup as one substance, then specific heat capacity will be higher because it's the sum of all the substance.
u can imagine there are more than two things to abortb heat rather than one thing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:54:33
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