chemical bonding (1.5 bond)

2008-09-05 12:45 am
我相信single bond, double bond, triple bond大家都一定聽過,但係小弟最近聽到有人講1.5bond (係o2既1.5bond, share左3粒電子). 想知係乜同埋, 點解會咁

回答 (1)

2008-09-06 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are mentioning bond order.
in fact the bond order of benzene is 1.5, which means each carbon is connected to another 1.5 carbon.

this is conjugation, or resonance effect. the single/double/triple bond are covalent bond, but those 1.5 bond is not necessary covalent bond.

2008-09-05 16:09:40 補充:
0.5 bond means the bond electron density is not the same as the 1.0 bond electron density

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