2008-09-04 11:35 pm
我今個月13號會跟康泰去馬爾代夫PARADISE ISLAND,

回答 (2)

2008-09-06 9:38 pm
I went there last June. But I stayed at Fullmoon, just visited Paradise Island. I think you just need to bring 1 litter for you baby first day. I brought a lot of wisky , volka and soft drinks, Rebina( in case of the water has salty taste). At last I just use the teapot to boil water, ok. Even the shower water has not salty taste.The most important thing I suggest is a snokeling set. You will use them all the days just around the resort , you can see many big fish at the shallow water. you can share my picture at http://maldives.3322.org
2008-09-06 3:37 am
我今個月13號會跟康泰去馬爾代夫PARADISE ISLAND,
不會罸款 (no problem). However, the water in all the islands are made by underground water. Actually the water is salty and may not suitable for us (especially baby) to drink.
Last time I good to 馬爾代夫, I've bring 6 x 1.5 liter water in the luggage for the whole trip. The cost to buy a bottle of spring water in Paradise Island, it cost around USD7.0

Yes, have the TV and teapot for boil water.

They have buffet restaurant (the price is reasonable) - you will have the breakfast/lunch/dinner in there if your tour packaging include the full board sercive. Also, they have 2 higher class restaurant (western) and 1 Japanese style (only style like/ but the food is not very good.
The buffet have steam fish all the time. The soap and bread is good too!

Only have a convenience shop for Tooth Brush, swimming gear, gift, drink etc. If you need the market or supermarket, you must join the local tour back to the captial island (the city just beside the airport). There was a local fish market and a lot of store. I found that most of the visitor will buy a lot of softdrink (coke, water etc.) because the price is much lower than that in the hotel.

2008-09-05 19:38:48 補充:
They have doctor in the hotel. Last time my wife have some problem and have visited the doctor (From india), and it is OK.

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