
2008-09-04 9:59 pm
已book package 去9月26日去大板6 天,29/9 去book左和歌山梅樽溫泉,大致行程如下:

day 1: 3:00到大板-->道頓堀, 難波行街

day 2 (Sat): 環球影城 (其實怕星期六好多人)

day 3 (sun): 京都-->清水寺-->八板神舍-->祇園-->河原町

day 4 (mon): 上午行街-->和歌山白濱-->梅樽溫泉

day 5 (tue): 白濱-->海中展望塔-->三段壁洞窟 /千疊敷海岸 /白良浜沙灘-->奈良-->大板

day 6: 大板行街-->outlet-->6:10機走

1.以上行程有無問題? 奈良去唔去到?

2. 星期6 去環球會唔會好多人? 如果星期6 唔去,就得返星期2 去完和歌山返來,成1:00先去到,但o個日收7:00,會唔會太少時間? 邊日去會好d?

3.由和歌山去奈良係唔係好遠?應該返大板先再坐車去?定day 6 去,定放棄唔好去?


回答 (2)

2008-09-05 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to your above schedule, you like to go sight-seeing and shopping.
1. I am wondering why you do not go to “-嵯峨野, 嵐山” at “京都”. It seems you have a lot of time.
“清水寺-->八板神舍-->祇園” will be completed within 3 hours including transportation from JR京都.
I suggest you go to “-嵯峨野, 嵐山” in the morning, then around 11:00am start to go to “清水寺-->八板神舍-->祇園”.
When you arrive at 河原町, around 4-5pm to begin your shopping.
Refer to below website on 嵯峨野, 嵐山 :

2. When I went to USJ, I did pick weekdays, it were so many people.
Reason : They just begin selling the annual pass.
Suggestion : You may consider to go on Sunday and or buy the Express Pass
day 4 (mon – 29 Sep): USJ (leave around 5:00pm) -->梅樽溫泉

USJ Express Ticket
Express ticket info : http://www.usj.co.jp/studioguide/attraction/efficient/e_uexbooklet_index.html

They have 2 types : Express Booklet 7 and Express Booklet 4.

If you are going to buy the Express Tickets, then you better queue up at USJ entrance to buy the Express Tickets & USJ tickets together.

If you are not buying the Express Tickets, then you buy it in HK agency. MUST Ask the agency whether the tickets are “直接入場門票” to save you time. (EGL is la).

Note : Some of the shops will start to close at 5:00pm in USJ even though it said close at 7:00pm.

3. May I know which area you want to see in奈良?

According to JR timetable from 白浜
Timetable : http://www.jr-odekake.net/eki/top.php?id=0622064
Input “白浜” and “奈良” at the first right-hand top box , then it will show the 2nd page, click the wanted options and continue.

For example :
6: 44 白浜 -> change at 8:58 天王寺 9:10 -> 奈良 9:44
Total : 3 hours.
When you arrive at奈良, I guess most of the attractions may be closed.

Therefore, you better not go.
2008-09-04 11:07 pm
2. 我試過星期日去環球片場, 每個 game 等30~60分鐘, 都唔會話要等成2個鐘ge

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