how will u improve the sentence?

2008-09-04 12:26 pm
I am writing some paragraph about the topic in chemistry

回答 (4)

2008-09-04 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing about the topic in chemistry
句子己很達意, 如要修改, 我認為:
I am writing a few paragraphs about the topic of chemistry.
1) 其中最主要的是要用 of chemistry 而非 in chemistry.
2) some 是一修飾詞 (some paragraph 一些段落). a few 是定義詞 (a few paragraphs 數段, 幾段)
參考: self
2008-09-18 3:25 pm
你可以改成:I am writing an essay of chemistry.
正常係唔會用"some paragraph",字面意思即係"寫幾段",意思怪怪地。
"In chemistry"="在化學這科裹",唔係咁啱。
2008-09-04 2:57 pm
I'm currently working on some paragraphs on the topic of chemistry.
參考: me
2008-09-04 2:40 pm
I am writing some paragraphs (or an essay, rather) on/about (the) ____ (the topic within chemistry).
參考: me

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