Can I write such questions in a formal email?

2008-09-04 11:25 am
If I don't have enough money, can I borrow some from you?

Can I borrow some money from you if I don't have enough money?

I am not sure whether the grammar is right or not

回答 (3)

2008-09-06 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上, 你的句子無咩大問題, 但係可以再修改少許。
If I don't have enough money, can(or may) I borrow from you?

如果在對話中, 表達「請求對方」可以用 can, 當然用may更加有禮貌啦, 因為 may解「要求批準」的意思。 (在解釋7後的Usage note)
Can means only “to be able” and may means “to be permitted,” both are regularly used in seeking or granting permission: Can (or May) I borrow your tape recorder? You can (or may) use it tomorrow. Sentences using can occur chiefly in spoken English. May in this sense occurs more frequently in formal contexts: May I address the court, Your Honor? In negative constructions, can't or cannot is more common than may not: You can't have it today. I need it myself. The contraction mayn't is rare.

Borrow from someone 已經代表「問人借錢」, 不用指明 money。
右手邊長方格內 (標題為: FDIC Encourages Affordable Small-Dollar Lending) 的第一段, 最後一句。
"So, why aren't they borrowing from their bankers?"

但係你的問題表示, 你想將「借錢」這句子放在 email中, 我建議你用以下的方式去表達。
第一種情況: 只是假設噤問, 但真正要借的可能性極低
If I had any financial problems, would you support me?
雖然我現時經濟上未有任何問題, 但如果真的有, 你會否支持我嗎?

第二種情況: 都係一般情況噤問, 但係要借的可能性都唔係完全無
If I have any financial problems, would you support me?
如果我在經濟上出現問題, 你會否支持我嗎?

2008-09-04 7:17 pm
If I don't have enough money, can I borrow some from you?
Okay. 但更清淅及更英語化的講法是:
If I have insufficient money (for that dress), will you lend me some?
字眼的用法 - don't have enough money 應用 insufficient money.
can I borrow some from you 應用 will you lend me some 較好.
參考: self
2008-09-04 2:38 pm
Is it possible that I borrow some money from you if I do not have enough for (the thing that you want to do by borrowing money for).


May I borrow some money from you if I do not have enough?

* Using 'can' at the beginning of a question is not an appropriate way of asking, 'may' is a more polite way.

Hope this help!
參考: me

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