how would you write the sentence in english?

2008-09-04 10:34 am
每次, 你一定要去做的時候, 我們都阻止不到你.

sorry, my emglish is bad

回答 (3)

2008-09-04 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
每次, 你一定要去做的時候, 我們都阻止不到你.
Everytime when you insisted to do so, it's unstoppable by anyone of us.
or 另一format:
No one can stop you once you insisted to do so. (once代替了每次)
參考: self
2008-09-13 11:02 am
We cannot stop you everytime you are determined to do something.
2008-09-04 11:53 am
每次, 你一定要去做的時候, 我們都阻止不到你
When you have to do something(唔知你講緊做d咩,所以用something) every time, we are unable to stop you!
We can't stop you whenever you have to do something.
have to=must=一定

Hope this help!
參考: myself

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