
2008-09-04 8:12 am
換菲律賓的貨幣披索(peso), 在當地換好一點, 還是在香港換? 另外, 美元的匯率好一些, 還是用港幣?

回答 (2)

2008-09-06 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can change in HK worldwide centre in Central. The rate is better than the airport of PHP. If you have time the big shopping mall in Phi is better than HK. I will go Cebu & Boracay again this month,but I have no time to Central,so I will change a little at Hang Seng Bank,than the other will change at Cebu Ayala Shopping Mall. The rate at Hang Seng just a little lower than the rate at Yahoo.

2008-09-06 13:47:59 補充:
The US rate just a small different from HK$, so you don't need to.
2008-09-04 8:27 am

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