A rectangle has how many sides?

2008-09-03 11:20 am

回答 (14)

2008-09-03 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ummm... three and a half? No, no, lemme think .... four? Yes, four. Four!!!
2008-09-03 11:35 am
It has 4 sides
2008-09-03 5:02 pm
4 sides
2008-09-03 12:16 pm
2008-09-03 11:41 am
a rectangle has four sides, both pair of sides parallel to each other, with one pair longer (length) than the measurement of the other (width).
2008-09-03 11:34 am
A Rectangle has 4 (four) sides
參考: My own knowledge...
2008-09-03 11:33 am
In geometry, a rectangle is defined as a quadrilateral where all four of its angles are right angles. A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as ABCD.

From this definition, it follows that a rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides; that is, a rectangle is a parallelogram. An equilateral rectangle is known as a square.

Normally, of the two opposite pairs of sides in a rectangle, the length of the longer side is called the length of the rectangle, and the length of the shorter side is called the width.

2008-09-03 11:31 am
4. 2 pairs of parallel sides.

A 4 sided figure without the parallel sides would just be a quadrilateral, a rectangle is a specific type of quadrilateral.
2008-09-03 11:28 am
Didn't you listen to your maths teacher at school? A rectangle has 4 sides!!
2008-09-03 11:26 am
2008-09-03 11:26 am
A rectangle has four sides.

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