In mathematics, what does the symbol ^ represent?

2008-09-03 8:58 am

回答 (7)

2008-09-03 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
^ = "to the power of"

2^4 (2⁴) (two to the power of four)
= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
= 4 x 2 x 2
= 8 x 2
= 16
2008-09-03 4:03 pm
It means to the power of. For example, 3^2=3x3=9, 2^3=2x2x2=8, 1^10=1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1.
Hope this helps :D
2008-09-03 4:12 pm
Before internet,it did not have a meaning,now it means "TO THE POWER OF" for example 5^3 means 5x5x5,and (A+1)^3 means
A^3 + 3A^2 + 3A +1.
2008-09-03 4:08 pm
It just means an exponent.

Five Squared could be expressed as 5^2.

Good luck, I hate math!
2008-09-03 4:05 pm
it symbolizes "raised to"

often used when dealing with exponents

exponents- tells us the number of times we use the base as a fact
for example,

12^2 (read as "12 raised to 2")
in this case, the base is 12 and the exponent is 2, so that means, we use base as a factor 2 times, that is 12*12, which is equal to 144
2008-09-03 4:05 pm
This is not a traditional mathematical symbol. It is used on the pc since it is easier.

This represents a power.

2^2 = two to the power of two = 4
3^3 = 3*3*3
2^4 = 2*2*2*2
2008-09-03 4:04 pm
in my class we use it to represent 'to the power of' e.g 5^2=25

^(number) means you multiply the number before it by its self however many times the second number is.

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