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Pat and Joe are both footballer錯.I aim錯 very respectful to Pat because of his spirit.In spite of his blindness he also laughing 錯when he talk 錯about football in the court.Unfortunate he was blined錯,wrose 錯still he will never play football again.Joe is rich and successful.However he was錯 discourteous that he teased錯 Pat in the court .He is impolite.
The following passage written in present tenses hopefully will be better grammatically. The original meaning of your passage is kept as close as possible.:
Pat and Joe are both footballers.I am very respectful to Pat because of his spirit.In spite of his blindness he always laughs when he talks about football in the court.Unfortunate he is blind and worse still he will never play football again.Joe is rich and successful.However he is discourteous that he has teased Pat in the court .He is impolite.