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Q: why溫度高的物質與溫度低的物質combine之後...兩者的溫度會even
Heat will flow whenever there is a temperature difference, just similar to the flow of water when there is a pressure difference.
When two substances of different temperature are brought together, the difference in temperature causes heat to flow from the substance of higher temperature to substance of lower temperature until the temperatures of the two objects are the same. Then heat ceases to flow.
It is NOT correct. Molecules of the substances at higher temperature will NOT move to the substance with lower temperature. It is the vibrations of the molecules have changed.
Molecules vibrates more vigorously in substances at higher temperature than molecules in substance at lower temperature. The transfer of heat energy from the high temperature substance to the low temperature substance will balance the vibrations of all the molecules, resulting in all molecules in the two substances be of the same vibrating.