specific heat capaity

2008-09-04 2:33 am
the specific heat capacity is depend on the substance even the same substances have different temperature (correct)
Then how about MASS ??

Will the heat capacity also have the same case??


specific heat capacity會唔會因為mass 的關係而唔同(同一種substance)?? heat capacity 又會唔會因為mass同temperature 的關係而唔同(同一種substance)?? 仲有 什麼是 lv 同 lf ?? thx

回答 (2)

2008-09-04 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: the specific heat capacity is depend on the substance even the same substances have different temperature (correct)
Then how about MASS ??

The specific heat capacity of a substance is independent of mass, as it is already a 'SPECIFIC' physical quantity (i.e. it is expressed in unit mass). It depends on the nature (i.e. the material) of the substance.

Specific heat capacity of a substance, in fact, varies with temperature. But at the temperature range normally encountered, the temperature varistion is small. Therefore, in school physics level, it is always assumed that the specific heat capcity is about the same at various temperatures.
Will the heat capacity also have the same case??

Heat capacity of a substance has taken into account the mass of the substance. Hence, even for the same material substance, two objects with different masses will have different heat capacities though the specific heat capacities for the two objects are the same.

Note that: heat capacity = specific heat capacity x mass of substance
2008-09-04 2:51 am
E = m*(lv or lf)
m = lv or lf /E
therefore, if the same substance have different mass, the specific heat capacity will change.

E = mc(t) (*t = temperature*)
m = c(t)/E

therefore, if the same substance have different mass, the heat capacity will change.

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