specific heat capacity

2008-09-04 1:55 am
higher specific heat capacity 係咪即係散熱快d??

若果係, 蘋果批裡面水份比例比酥皮高;

點解裡面的specific heat capacity比酥皮高;


see : http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007120902728

仲有係 specific heat capacity & heat capacity 愈大....會點?(請分別說明) 詳細d ........ thx

回答 (2)

2008-09-04 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q: higher specific heat capacity 係咪即係散熱快d??

No. A substance with higher heat capacity could store more heat energy than substance with lower specific heat capacity if the two substances are of the same mass and at the same temperature.

This leads to the result that substance with higher specific heat capacity will have its temperature falls at a slower rate than substance with low specific heat capacity, because the former needs to dissipate more heat than the latter.

Q:仲有係 specific heat capacity & heat capacity 愈大....會點?

Basically, the above principle applies unless there is a large difference in mass between the two substances. If this is the case, the one with larger heat capacity stores more heat and the time for it to dissipate its heat energy will be longer than one with lower heat capacity.
2008-09-04 4:24 am
No. If 2 objects that have different specific heat capacities(the only variables), the higher one will take a longer time to lose heat, and the lower one otherwise. Higher heat capacity of a substance, the more energy(in joules) is stored within it.

Note that more energy stored does not mean a higher temperature. It depends on the specific heat capacity. For example, susbtance A is 1000 J kg-1 C-1 and B is 10 J kg-1 C-1, then if they reach the same temerperature, for example 10 degree C, then the energies each kg carries are A = 1000 x 10 = 10000 J, B = 10 x 10 = 100J . As you can see, both ARE THE SAME TEMERATURE but not carrying the same amount of energy each.

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