
2008-09-04 1:32 am

回答 (2)

2008-09-04 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然混凝土比木堅固得多, 但用嚟建築一間屋嘅材料及人工就相差好大, 如果叫你買四斤混凝土梗係唔貴, 但用混凝土起屋就要計算埋搭棚, 釘板, 扎鐵, 落石屎, 拆板, 全部都係錢, 成本大大增加.

其實北美國家用木起屋嘅原因都係以經濟為原則, 因為美國加拿大地方大, 地價比較平, 所以唔需要好似香港咁起幾十層樓高嘅大厦, 通常住屋都係一兩層高, 無需要用到石屎咁大陣象, 當然如果遇到百年一次嘅龍捲風木起嘅屋防風力唔及石屎屋, 但整體嚟講木起嘅屋都係平啲.

另外响北美國家地方太大, 而石屎廠唔係度度都有, 除非係响大城市, 如果唔係想買石屎唔係咁易, 當然有錢就乜都得, 但唔係個個人願意有平嘅材料唔用改用貴嘅材料.
參考: 來自加國
2008-09-04 9:22 am
hi, u are right, using 混凝土 or clay could be more 抵禦颱風. American use wood for the house because :
1. wood is faster to release the heat from sun, USA have a lot of sunlight than the Asian countries. I am living in the condominium (4 floors), the outside is made of blick, in the summer, the temperature is up to 45 C degrees here, my home need at least 6-8 hrs to get cool after the sunset, even though I turn on the air conditioner at 2pm.
2. USA house is only 2-3 floors, it can use wood to build a good house. Asian countries buildings have many floors, it cannot use wood to build
3. when the wood house collapes, it is less injury for the ppls and rescuse is more easier; if clay or 混凝土 house collapes, just like the China earthquake, it takes longer time for rescuse and ppl gets more hurt.
it is really a good question, when I first come to USA, I also had the same question.
參考: experienced person

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