40 煤氣爆炸?

2008-09-03 11:49 am
睇戲成日都有 煤氣爆炸既場面,

回答 (2)

2008-09-04 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-09-04 4:40 am
THis question should be asked in the chemistry category. You need a mixture of 煤氣 and oxygen. And the exact best performing ratio I do not know. Before we move on, first you have to know what is a 爆炸. 爆炸 is a process of combustion. But because the combusted gases have higher pressure than the pressure around us, therefore te gases tend to expand in a very fast rate. This expansion leads to an explosion. Bam!!!

To have the biggest explosion, you need to have a bigger difference in pressures (pressure of the gases and the pressure around us), more 煤氣(in this case) and more oxygen of a best performing ratio and a complete combustion between the 煤氣 and oxygen.

To have a bigger difference in pressures, you can either do the 爆炸 in a vacuum area or fill a container with 煤氣. The container actually adds pressure after the combustion because the energy from the 煤氣 can release at the same moment. To have a complete combustion, you need to make sure the oxygen and 煤氣 are mixed evenly and all of the oxygen and 煤氣 must be used up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:22:43
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