Should US sell F16 Block C/D fighters to Georgia?

2008-09-03 7:46 am
to help them defend against the Russian invaders??

回答 (13)

2008-09-03 9:23 am
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unnecessary & risky with for some reasons. If u sold a weapon u can't control it anymore. trigger fingers without control does something weird sometimes .. other hand be a mig pilot and be a f16 pilot are totally different thinks, they need serious training for be a decent fighter.

couple years ago turkey was "rent" a military base from georgia's government ( around 7mil.USD/year I'd guess ) for put some f16 at there and gave train to georgian pilots.

when conflict turn the open battle russian air forces starts a attack there to hunt down those f16's on the ground (Marneuli Air Base near at southern border) but guess what happen? a Su-25 shot down with AA missile hit and "guest" f16's leaves the area with direct order. ( putin's himself was visit that pilot at the russian army hospital a week later )

"3 georgian soldier and a civilian was died at there with russian bombs" sorry for losses :(

giving training and prepare them for action better then sellpolicy. they can use f16 for train .. with different flags of course, because train flights and train planes can carry different flags then host country. ( even those planes carry AA missiles ) with this way u can keep the control it.
2008-09-03 2:50 pm
No, because it would be a seroius diplomatic escalation. Besides, Georgia won't need them. They will be an EU country soon enough.
2008-09-03 2:49 pm
they should dump lots of vodka there so there will be peace.
參考: or maybe stop importing russian vodka, so they have plenty to drink
2008-09-03 2:49 pm
No, I think we should give them free F16s.
2008-09-03 2:48 pm
they should invade russia
2008-09-03 2:53 pm
NO. Because we have 20,000 of them sitting in a large lot in Arizona gathering dust. This way we can recoup some of the money spent on building them and helping Georgia against the Russkies.
2008-09-03 2:51 pm
No because didn't they attack first?
Since they didn't know there own strengthh compare to Russia, its their fault and they should get themselves out of the mess themself.
2008-09-03 2:49 pm
you are the retard person of the day
you think its funny to talk about army and weapons
you are such a buffalo
2008-09-03 7:16 pm
No becuase they do not want to make them to powerful. Think Americans give pakistan bloody f-15s and f-16s and now America has given them a huge advantage over India and they could trouble Israel
2008-09-03 4:09 pm
NO, I think the US should stop selling out weapons, and air-crafts to foreign countries. We should use our stuff to protect our selves, and use them to help others. But selling our stuff gives other the opportunity to learn about our technology and our tactics, not knowing who they will share the information with.
2008-09-03 3:13 pm
i think all the weapon provison will do the world no good
all georgia asks for is economical and political help.. the west and the US shld presure Russia., but as we can see EU is still weak to do anything against Russia
2008-09-03 2:56 pm
You are joking----right?
2008-09-03 4:17 pm
You can send in Georgia even your cowboy Bush (astride on a donkey and with skin stick in hand), but giving of weapon in hands of primitive mad savages - it is impossible stupidity - they will gun down yourself or will shoot oneself.

Really not enough for you that you taught (against Soviet Army in Afghanistan) and armed your Bin Laden, which now praises Russia for actions in Georgia, and kills your soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq every day.

Not create new problems - such as new (Georgian) Bin Laden (he will be, certainly, not coward and mongrel Saakashvili, but one of Georgian generals). Georgians are false allies, it is people of eternal traitors, similar to Ukrainians.

And your protege Saakashvili soon will be overturned and killed or will put to death himself, as his predecessor Gamsakhurdiya, or will drag wretched life of betrayer and cadger at the next Georgian dictator (as betraying all in the world pitiful bastard Shevardnadze), if, certainly his American wife will not take out his from Georgia in woman clothes in a sky truck.

It is not Europe. It is mean, infamous and atrocious Caucasus.
Native leaders here are curious democrats, but, rather - some wax museum of freaks, degenerates, maniacs and pathological killers.

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