Is there a word for women who actually get sexually aroused by violent sociopathic men?

2008-09-02 10:20 pm
When I first heard about this I thought it was a joke, something out of some weird crime novel maybe but not in real life.

But someone told me there is an actual name for this "condition" and it does exist.

EDIT: Surfagirl It's mere curiosity. I hate how people can no longer ask honest questions without being judged and questioned. "Why would you ask that?" Well, sorry but I'm just not the type who follows society's PC-approved rules on asking ans answering questions.

回答 (13)

2008-09-02 10:27 pm
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2008-09-02 10:39 pm
I am not sure of the actual terminology, however, my question is, why would someone like yourself be interested in such a negative condition? Perhaps there may be more to your interest than just mere curiosity. =P

EDIT: Politically Incorrect

Sorry, I meant no disrespect, if I had offended you, that was not my intentions. I just find this particular topic of women who get sexually aroused by violence very disturbing as there have been several deaths in my neighborhood in the last 3 months that were results of domestic abuse.
2008-09-02 10:32 pm
Violent and sociopathic, except they like someone else to do their dirty work.
2008-09-02 10:25 pm
2008-09-02 11:01 pm
I'm sure there probably is a word for it.... I'm not sure about that condition, but there are a number of shows on TV these days that kind of 'showcase" the lifestyle of people who enjoy pain as part of their sexlife. BDSM, or Bondage Dominance and Sado Masochism, for example. Some people for some reason that I do not understand, enjoy being tied up, whipped, cut, burned, called names, all in the name of love and arousal.

There is, however, a HUGE difference between this lifestyle and women who are turned on by violent psychos. in that lifestyle, there is apparently mutual respect and consent, and they never do anything that would actually psychologically scar their partner, and they use a safe word. If one person says it, the scene stops.
參考: Television.... it's scary what you can come across channel surfing.
2014-04-05 1:49 pm
2008-09-03 4:48 am
She might be a sociopath herself.

I looked it up but couldn't come up with anything except this.
2008-09-02 11:10 pm
masochist, but masochism isn't confined to women... von masoch, the original masochist, was a man.
2008-09-03 12:51 am
2008-09-02 10:59 pm
Hmmm crazy comes to mind. Or desperately lonely.
I have heard about women doing that - like the ones who marry men on death row. Ted Bundy had groupies, too. And like Ann Rule said (the one who wrote Stranger Beside Me and knew Bundy personally), "these girls don't realize that they would be targeted by Bundy if he were a free man."
As for what the term is, I really don't know. Think I will look that up!

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