How can i clean out my fish tank?

2008-09-02 3:33 pm
I have a 9 gallon hexagonal fish task containing 5 guppies,a silver dollor and a catfish. My tank has a filter and a thermomter. How do i go about cleaning the tank out? i do have a seperate tank that i could place the fish but i'm worried the tempreture might affect them.

回答 (7)

2008-09-02 3:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The easiest way to clean out a tank like yours is to go to your nearest pet store. They sell a vacuumum type hose with a cylinder end that you vaccuum your tank with and the other end of the hose you put in a large bucket, the bucket is where all the algae and dirty water will go. After this cleaning process you with have to put more water into your tank.
2008-09-02 3:42 pm
i wouldn't recommend cleaning the entire tank. it takes 30 days to re-establish the good bacteria in the filter that breaks down ammonia to nitrates. if you want, you should pour the water in a bucket and also put the filter in that water. then clean out the entire tank and then pour the water back in and maybe rinse the filter a little.

the best method is just to do partial water changes of 20% each week. if it's really dirty you can probably do 10% water changes daily until it starts getting cleaner.
2008-09-02 3:50 pm
You never remove your fish from the tank unless you are doing a major clean and you only do that when fish have died due to illness.

You do a gradual water change. This means that you remove 20% water and replace with clean water. You only ever clean the filter when the water starts looking dirty with particles floating around and then you only clean this in water that you have taken from the tank before throwing it away.

Depending on your water quality, this is done either weekly or fortnightly. Make sure the equipment you use is for fish only and only use a soft sponge to wipe the inside glass and NEVER use anything that scratches. Also adding water softener and bacteria solution into the water when you add the water is also a good idea but not necessary.

Good luck and hope all goes ok.
參考: Been a fish keeper for more than 20 years
2008-09-02 3:39 pm
you should never completely change the water in a fish tank - it will shock the fish too much. Scoop some water out maybe 1/4 or a1/3 of your tank and put it in your spare tank. Keep the fish in there while you clean. Then once the tank is clean, fill it up 3/4 or 2/3 of fresh water, and tip the other water back in with the fish.
參考: Used to work in a pet store
2008-09-02 3:37 pm
you could always do a 75% water change leave the water so the fish can stay in the tank at the very bottom and fill it up from there.
If you go to petco you can buy a pump to clean the gravel and suck out the water.

You can always put ur fish in a small fish carrying case for the time being and cleaan out the tank.
2008-09-02 3:40 pm
2008-09-02 3:36 pm
Transfer your thermometer also

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