Is anyone NOT going to vote for John McCain because Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant?

2008-09-02 3:32 pm
Do you think it is really going to affect his chances of becoming president?
i personally think it is ridiculous that everyone has to make a huge deal about it. It is a personal family matter and has nothing to do with Sarah Palin's becoming vice president.

回答 (17)

2008-09-02 3:37 pm
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Hail Obama
2008-09-02 3:37 pm

The reason he's not getting my vote is because he's a senile old man who doesn't have the energy or memory to run a whole country.
2008-09-02 3:38 pm
i'm not even old enough to vote, but if i was i would vote for obama for numerous reasons. besides sarah is a nutjob.
2008-09-02 3:40 pm
Nah. Even Obama said that family doesn't count in politics.

Obama the Great of '08!!!

Teenage pregnancy rate did go up this year. Too many seducing young teenage males! Gah! and peer pressure.
2008-09-02 3:39 pm
I was always going to vote for obama/biden but this is icing on the cake for obama/biden 2 win the whitehouse.
2008-09-02 3:41 pm
No. I already wasn't going to vote for McCain. If I had been planning to vote for him this wouldn't have changed my mind. It has nothing to do with trying to run the country.
2008-09-02 3:39 pm
Who cares! Why can't teens prevent pregnancy nowadays. Gosh! I knew about what to do at like 9! We are in the 21st century, I don't undertsand why there is such a thing as teen mothers, it's so old fashioned.
2008-09-02 3:56 pm
Actually, her being pregnant is not important to me. It happens all the time, no matter family background. However, I find it interesting that her mother has preached abstinence to school children in Alaska, yet this happens to her daughter.

Also, I can only imagine if this situation would happen to the Democratic would it play out in the media and with the Republicans? Would they(the Republicans) rally around it, like they are doing with Palin's daughter, or would they put on their conservative hat and say that those people are immoral? It's something to think about.

To answer your question, I'm not voting for McCain because of his political views, not because of the personal life of his VP running mate.

Be blessed.
2016-05-27 4:56 pm
No i wont vote for Obama just becuase McCain's running mate's daughter is pregnant. In all honesty, i dont know anyone who either has had a teen daughter who got pregnant or knows of one who did. Im not comending it, but at least she's standing by her daughter and her daughter is stepping up to her responsiblity. I think she's a great and strong women. Honest as well.
2008-09-02 3:46 pm
I hope no one votes on that basis but I am afraid that they will.

The ONLY reason it should be an issue at all is because of the two candidates' support of the insane concept of abstinence only sex "education."

But the mother's stupidity should not be held against the girl, and I think the way a lot of people are discussing this, hitting the personal aspect rather than the political one, is pretty shameful.

I wasn't going to vote for him before, or Obama either - I'm a socialist and I don't support "Democratic" candidates (not very democratic) or "Republican" candidates (darn near royalists!).

Unfortunately, with the U.S. obsession with celebrities and gossip, this sort of nonsense might very well decide the election.

There are plenty of reasonable political reasons that these people shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power - to have something like this decide the matter disgusts me.

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