ALgebra help please??

2008-09-02 3:19 pm

3(8r-5) = -4(7 -6r) is it no real number ?

回答 (9)

2008-09-02 4:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3(8r - 5) = -4(7 - 6r)
3*8r - 3*5 = -4*7 + 4*6r
24r - 15 = -28 + 24r
24r - 24r = -28 + 15
0 = -13
(no solutions)
2008-09-02 10:28 pm
multiply and distribute 24r-15=28+24r
combine terms 24r+13=24r
get r on one side and numbers on other side so then subtract 24r and then it looks like this 13=0
there is no real number that makes this solution true
2008-09-02 10:27 pm
24r - 15 = -28 + 24r
no real number so no solution
2008-09-02 10:27 pm
24r - 15 = -28 +24r

There is no unknown because when you collect like terms the r terms cancel each other out and you are left with numbers.
2008-09-02 10:26 pm
multiply out both sides

24r - 15 = -28 + 24r

0 = -13

Yes, it is No real number.
2008-09-02 10:25 pm
Then 24r-15=-28+24r,it is impossible to have -15=-28
2008-09-02 10:25 pm
distributive property of multiplication

24r-15= -28+24r
24r-24r= -13


it can't be solved..

i dont know
2008-09-02 10:25 pm
3(8r - 5) = -4(7 - 6r)
24r - 15 = -28 + 24r
24r - 24r = -28 + 15

it is no real solution for the algebra... because there is no unknown(r)
2008-09-02 10:40 pm
3(8r - 5) = -4(7-6r)

3 x (8r - 5) = -4 x( 7 - 6r)

3 x (8r - 5 + 6r) = -4 x 7

3 x (14r - 5) = -28

42r - 15 = -28

42r = -13

42r divided by 42 = -13 divided by 42

r = -0.31
= - 31/100

i know my answer is right and it was fun working it out! thanx. it is a real number! just a really irrational one.
參考: my brain. can i just add that i am 12 and worked this out with no help! ok, i happen to be really smart, but adults should be able to figure out that you can't just say: "it has no answer".

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