If I was a car, I'd be an Aston Martin
If I was a genius, I'd be Isaac Newton(發現「萬有引力」的牛頓?)
If I was a hero, I'd be Martin Luther(黑人人權領袖?還是反天主教教庭的那位?)
If I was an actor, I'd be Marlon Brando
If I was a painter, I'd be Frida Kahlo
If I was a drink, I'd be a lemon drop (檸汁?檸水?)
If I was a song, I would be super pop(名曲還是名歌星?)
If I was a fighter, I'd be Casius Clay
If I was emotion, I would be intense(全句的意思是甚麼?)
致回答者: erictang007 (回答時間: 2008-09-03 02:44:24) 多謝閣下抽空解答。不過,還欠一個解析:「If I was emotion, I would be intense」此句的意思。 謝。
還有,如果Lemon Drop只是解做「檸水」這一樣「好Cheap」的東西,似乎與上文下理不太相通。Lemon Drop是不是美國一種很受大眾歡迎的飲品(如香港人喜歡檸茶),還是一種很高檔、很高格調但不大眾化的飲品(如法國名牌紅酒、古巴雪卡等)呢?