
2008-09-03 6:52 am
peter成日都要由阿媽屋企搬去阿爸屋企, 又要再搬番去阿媽屋企, 重複地來回.

回答 (4)

2008-09-03 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
peter成日都要由阿媽屋企搬去阿爸屋企, 又要再搬番去阿媽屋企, 重複地來回.
Peter used to live with his father for a while then move back to his mother's house, back and forth frequently.
參考: Own
2008-09-03 8:36 pm
peter成日都要由阿媽屋企搬去阿爸屋企, 又要再搬番去阿媽屋企, 重複地來回.
Peter always moves from his mother's home to his father's home and vice versa that he travelled backwards and forwards repeatedly.
travelled backwards and forwards (來回往返)
vice versa (反之亦然)

2008-09-06 10:59:58 補充:
revised as: Peter always moves from his mother's home to his father's home and vice versa that he has to travel backwards and forwards repeatedly.
2008-09-03 10:00 am
Peter has to move back and forth between his mom's house and his dad's house.

back and forth means 來來回回.
2008-09-03 7:10 am
Poor Peter move to live in his father's home constantly , after a period of time, he move back to his mother's home. And it repeat again and again without stopping

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