SD memory card壞左,黃金商場係咪有得整?急﹗ 20分﹗﹗

2008-09-03 4:43 am
如題,我張SD memory card可能因為撞壞而電腦detect唔到e個drive

回答 (1)

2008-09-04 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try to read your card from another card reader to verify the problem. If you SD card is still unrecognisable, then you have a BIG problem.
If an SD card is recognisable on the PC but the PC prompts you to format the card, then it's a software problem involving a corrupted file table. In this case, the contents inside the SD card can be recoverable via data recovery software.
But here, your SD card is not even recognisable on the PC. This is a HARDWARE problem and very likely the ICs inside the SD card got fried. In this case, NO contents inside the card can be recoverable even with data recovery software.
> 我聽人講過黃金商場有間店有得整
> 我想問有冇人知道e間野叫咩?
Forget it. These stores only deal with memory cards with a SOFTWARE problem (eg. corrupted file table etc.)
If you absolutely need to recover contents from your SD card, the only option is to send it to data recovery labs for full diagnosis and recovery. This involves deconstructing your card and temporarily reconstructing it so that the card is readable and all contents retrieved, before the card's next breakdown. And if recovery is successful, you're going to end up paying THOUSANDS for the service.
> 因為入面有晒我去旅行既videos同相
Lesson learned: SD cards are NOT designed for long-term data storage. Always back up your card to a more secure medium (server-grade HDDs, archive-grade CDs/DVDs etc.).

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 16:07:48
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