
2008-09-03 3:34 am

e.g:Don't eating=不准吃東西


回答 (2)

2008-09-03 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Students must show respect and courtesy towards teachers and be obedient to their teaching .

中文翻譯 : 學生對師長必須尊敬有禮及服從其教導。

2. Students must bring their own English textbooks and the necessary stationery to lessons .

3. Students must not borrow any English textbooks fom other schoolmates .

4. Students are not allow to read any unauthorized books , newspapers or publications in the English lessons .

5. Students should cherish the chance of learning .

中文翻譯 : 學生必須珍惜所有學習時間。

6. Students must not speak foul language in the English lessons .

中文翻譯 : 學生不得在英文課堂講污言穢語。

7. Students are forbidden to bully , threaten or intimidate fellow students .

中文翻譯 : 學生不得侮辱、恐嚇或威脅同學。

8. Students must not use any sharp weapon or implement to hurt others .

9. Students must not smoke in the English lessons .

10. Students must not chat in the English lessons .

11. Students must not eat any things in the English lessons .

12. Students must not drink any alcoholic drinks in the English lessons .

13. Gambling is forbidden in the English lessons .

中文翻譯 : 學生不得在英文課堂賭博。

14. Students should not play electronic games in the English lessons .
參考: 我
2008-09-03 4:14 am
Don't fighting and saying dirty words-不准打架及粗言穢語
Respect the teachers- 尊敬師長
Don't use mobile in class-不准在課堂裡使用手提電話
Don't smoking- 不准吸煙
Don't dye your hair-不准染髮
Submiting all your homework on time-準時遞交所有功課
Carrying all your textbook completely-帶齊所有課本
Don't get cheating on the examination-考試期間不准作弊
Don't escape the class and absent out of notice-不准逃學及無故缺席
Leaving classroom in the breaktime-在小息時學生必須離開課室
Don't leave your seat when the class carry out 課堂進行時不可離位
Don't bring MP3 player and cardgame 不准攜帶MP3及電子遊戲機

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