
2008-09-03 3:24 am

回答 (2)

2008-09-03 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chinese History (中史)
Chinese Language (中文)
Computer Literacy (普通電腦)
Design and Technology (設計與科技)
English Language (英語)
Economic and Public Affairs (E. P. A.) (經濟與公共事務科)
Geography (地理)
History (西史)
Home Economics (Home E.) (家政)
Integrated Science (l. S.) (綜合科學)
Liberal Studies (通識)
Mathematics (Maths.) (數學)
Music (音樂)
0ral (英國口語)
Physical Education (P. E.) (體育)
Putonghua (普通話)
Religious Education(宗教)
Visual Art (V. A.) (視藝)
2008-09-03 3:28 am
English(英文),chinese(中文),mathematics(數學),history(歷史),geography(地埋),chinese history(中史),religious education(宗教),integrated science(綜合科學),design and technology(設計與科技),home economics(家政),physical education(PE),music(音樂),art(視覺藝術)liberal studies(通識)
參考: me

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