-2 x(2 x ^3 - 3 x + 8) help me find the product?

2008-09-01 2:42 pm
-2 x(2 x ^3 - 3 x + 8) help me find the product

回答 (4)

2008-09-01 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-2x(2x^3 - 3x + 8)
= -2x*2x^3 + 2x*3x - 2x*8
= -4x^4 + 6x^2 - 16x
2008-09-01 10:42 pm
= - 2x(2x^3 - 3x + 8)
= - 4x^4 + 6x^2 - 16x

Answer: - 4x^4 + 6x^2 - 16x
2008-09-01 9:49 pm
-4x^4 +6x^2 -16x
2008-09-01 9:46 pm
The way to solve these questions is to multiply each number inside the brackets by -2x

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