唔明經濟MC 問題!! 高手請進 PLS!!

2008-09-02 7:02 am
請盡解釋以下Question!! 答得幾多得幾多 THX¬m(_ _)m

1) Scarce resources 既charateristic:
Ans係 : It has a price on the market
my choice : It is in great demand

2)The price elasticity of demand for the West-railway service would decrease if:
A.the mini-bus running the same route reduces the fare from $20 to $18
B. the traffice between Kowloon and the western New territories becomes more congested
C.the Tai Lam Tunnel offers discount to the road users
D. the failure of West-railway network is more frequent

3)When the tax on good X is doubled ,its tax revenue is also doubled.This indicates that ,
A. the demand for X is perfectly elastic
B.the demand for X is unitarily elastic
C.the supply of X is perfectly in elastic
D. the supply of X is perfectly elastic
Ans係C 唔明!

4) increase the occupational mobility of local labour
Ans: the Labour Department offers more help to match vacancies and job seekers

5) What is the economic role of shareholders in public limited company?
A.preparing the company's accounts
B.bearing risk
C.sharing profits
ans係C but其他ans都好似correct咁...唔明!

6) a common feature of all firms
A.they aim at profit-making
B. They have entrepreneurs to organize factors of production
Ans:B My choice:A 點解?

回答 (1)

2008-09-02 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 即使有great demand, 如果係unlimited supply, 都唔係scarce resources, 例如空氣, 個個都需要, 但係因為 unlimited supply, 所以唔係 scarce.
Has a price on the market 即係 limited supply, 如果唔係都唔會有人肯俾錢去買, 所以一定係 scarce resources.

2. 當個樣野既代替品愈黎愈少或者愈黎愈貴,佢既price elasticity of demand 就會變得 inelastic (decrease).
A - 小巴減價者係代替品平左, 咁只會增加 Elasticity
B - 新界西至九龍交通愈黎愈塞, 者係搭巴士/小巴/自已渣車呢D西鐵代替品既 time cost 高左, 所以搭西鐵既人就無咁多選擇, elasticity 就會跌
C - 同A一樣, 隧道費平左,搭巴士/小巴/自已渣車就會抵D, 會增加西鐵既elasiticy of demand
D - 西鐵既service差左, 係會shift成條demand, 同elasticity無關; 不過都可以話 keep prices of 西鐵及其代替品 unchanged, 代替品相對黎講抵左, 所以西鐵既 elasticity of demand 只會增加唔會減低

3. tax 貴左一倍, tax revenue 都增加左一倍, 者係代表D人買既數量無變過, 無因為加左稅而買少D, which is the definition of perfectly inelastic demand.

4. 如果政府有多D資源去幫人搵工, 咁一D唔滿意而家份工既人就唔會話怕搵唔到第二份工而唔辭職, 所以係直接增加左 occupational mobility, which refers to ease for a labor to change from one job to another.

5.呢題我都唔sure, A就一定唔係啦, 因為呢D野係會計師做唔係股東西; 至於B同C, 當公司有賺既時候會派股息, 所以股東有份share profit; 不過如果公司蝕錢或者執笠既時候, 股東都要蒙受損失, 所以股東都bear左某程度既risk.....我都唔係好sure點解最終答案係C


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