
2008-09-02 6:13 am
我買CX機票,但買個陣無asiamile既account, 買左之後先有,咁我仲可唔可以儲番d績分?....

尋日買左機票,今日先識申請asiamiles account.....so...

回答 (4)

2008-09-06 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

因為只要你當日去到機場check-in 既時候,俾張臨時卡(紙),你就可以加飛行里數。

又或者你用 Online Check-In 的話,只須係做既時候,係有一行飛行里數,選擇亞洲萬里通,再輸入會員號碼,就可以了。

要記住,你開始航程(飛機起飛)之前,係唔會有里數收到,因為佢係計你飛左幾多,而唔係買左幾多。一般交易里數日期都係起飛日(Activity Date),之後2日 (Crediting Date)。

所以放心,你9月1 號所買既機票都可以加里數。


參考: 個人經驗,可作參考
2008-09-02 9:33 pm
基本上沒有問題, 你可以向asia miles查詢你的號碼. 而可不可以儲到分, 是基於張機票的條款, eg:團體機票大多數不能儲分
2008-09-02 7:33 pm
1) Well, as soon as you get the membership card, present to the check-in counter.
2) You can contact Asia Miles hotline to check your number. Mention your membership number to the agent that you bought the ticket
3) Otherwise, talk to the staff at the check-in counter, mentioned that you already apply the membership. They might get your number at the time when you check-in.
2008-09-02 7:24 am
depending how long before the account.

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