想將一句中文翻譯成英文.. 請幫幫忙.. thx~~

2008-09-02 3:26 am
" 我開始有點兒後悔, 但我不會讓自己真的後悔... "

可以幫我翻譯成英文嗎 ?

thx ..

回答 (4)

2008-09-02 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
" 我開始有點兒後悔, 但我不會讓自己真的後悔... "

I seem to regret, indeed I wouldn't let myself actually regret....
2008-09-02 11:25 pm
" 我開始有點兒後悔, 但我不會讓自己真的後悔... "
I am starting feeling sorry. However, I wouldn't really regret for it (what I've done).
註: 同一組語句裡, "盡量" 避免用相同的字兩次
參考: self
2008-09-02 8:25 am
I start a little to regret, but I will not let the real regret...
2008-09-02 3:47 am
I suddenly felt regret, yet I won't really regret that much.

yet(但)你可以用however/ but


有點兒不可即場轉英文因為英文唔可以用a little bit regret..
(sounds not that appropirate)

2008-09-01 19:48:17 補充:
看到樓上的indeed 也不錯.. :)

參考: 自己

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