
2008-09-02 2:57 am
Our Olympics game
Do you feel upset about the Olympics' end?Come on,face the fact.Beijing Olympics was overred.but it brought us stun and shock.

Before 8/8/2008,an abundance of unpredictable events happened in china.Most of them were not good,like sichuan earthquake,the sturgeon was killed in hong kong aquarium,the threatening from Tibet.They all frustrated me.

Honestly,I don't really expect Beijing can hold such this weighty,prime magnificent activities.However,it surprised me that Beijing also can afford this Olympics and did a terrific work!

Director Chung showed the Chinese culture to world,he displayed an unprecedented china to the world.the great architecture,the fruitful performance and the legend athletes.Perfect!I totally appreciated the opening ceremony.I thought it must be boring at first.But that was extremely out of my expectation.Kindling the holy fire was one of the must see item.I love the way that the holy fire's conveyance.That was a magic.Incredible!

After the ceremony,Chinese athletes has done the classical work.We got 51 gold medals,it broke our gold medals record.As the saying goes: no pain no gain,we've been understood the truth in thousand years ago,so we deserved these medals and the honor.

Every time when I saw our athletes stood on the stage and share the happiness to the crowds,I felt so proud to be a Chinese.There's no doubt that we still have lots of improvements:Morality,the civil right etc,but I believe that china is getting better and becoming a country as strong as U.S,even stronger!

The Olympic proved the world that anything is possible.If you try,you'll get an opportunity to reach the success.Conversely,you'll get nothing and back to the start point.Now i can tell everyone and whoop that"I am a Chinese!!"I literally a Chinese-holic now =]

第一個回答我既朋友係咪話我好冇頭冇尾?哈,我期實係想講成個奧運咖...~~咁你比幾多分? 第2個朋友可唔可以講d原因我知點陵要重作?我唔介意你咁講,但我想知原因,而且呢篇文係informal的... 第三位朋友多謝你既評分,我會繼續=] 請大家唔好留手,但講時講,請講原因點解你覺得唔好,因為我要improve=] thx!



回答 (5)

2008-09-26 12:05 am
I haven't carefully read your article, but I don't see Sichuan earthquake a big mistake. People can quake in Sichuan or the earthquake in Sichuan.

2008-09-25 16:05:53 補充:
Of course, Sichuan earthquake is not good, but not fatal. What does level 2 mean? HKCE Eng Language exam? Writing in level 2 is quite weak according to the HKCEE criteria. I think hk is more problematic.
2008-09-24 11:55 pm
What's wrong with The Sichuan earthquake?
What's wrong with whooping arounding and say"I am a chinese"?
fun_fun211, Mr grammer Nazi, The way you learn English is like a blunt and adamantine baseball Bat.
2008-09-04 5:59 am
i think i just give the marks of the leavel 2 with you,beacause waht is the
meaning of the (sichuan earthquake)?我知您想講四川大地震,但應該講話係(the earthquake of the Sichuan),因為(sichuan earthquake)係chinese english,無人會知,除左我地本土文化外,外國人就好難明,但您己經好用心去做,用了好多比較深的英文字去寫和您都好有勇氣作出黎,但係英文作文唔係一定要用咁多深字,最緊要係TENSE正確同人地明先得
REMARK:好多CHINESE ENGLISH,唔係英文,好難明,要多做多寫,加油!
(Now i can tell everyone and whoop that"I am a Chinese!!"I )唔明您講咩?!您應該話I'll proud of the chinese because i am also.
2008-09-02 3:09 am
come on 重作
2008-09-02 3:08 am
第一段 ?

??唔系about the Olympic's end 咩??


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