
2008-09-02 2:21 am
As you know electricity require the burning of fossil fuel
I would like to know the details

回答 (1)

2008-09-02 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Burning of fosill fuel to generate electricity is a proess turning chemincal energy stored in fossil fuel into electrical energy which can be easily converted to other form of energy. Thats why people using use electricity rather than directly use chemical energy stored in fossil fuel.

There are many different kind of method of doing above process. By most of them, are base on similar principle.

First you have to know that there are chemical energy stored in fossil fuels. When we burn them, we convert chemical energy inside to heat and light energy.

Those heat produced usually will use to boil water to turn those water into steam. As you know, gas occupate much more volume than liquid, those steam produced will generate a very large pressure. The large pressure will use to push the turbo(渦輪機) in the generator.

By electromagetism, the generator/alternator will turn those kinetic energy in electric energy, that can be transprted away and utilize by people.

chemical energy in fossil fuel BURNING燃燒 -> heat energy火的熱能 ---> heat boils water高壓的水蒸氣推動渦輪機----> kinetic energy in 轉動中的渦輪機 ---> electrical energy
參考: me

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