runescape 一問!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-09-01 11:11 pm
我想問問runescape 一開始個D任務要做咩...............要詳細D

(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 一定要中文 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


回答 (4)

2008-09-02 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
所有都係要同個導師talk o架喇,跟住跟指示去下一度地方 (有箭咀o架啦),以下係小小tips:

1. Wcing (Woodcutting) and Fming (Firemaking)

- 就咁按棵樹,o岩位就會變紅色×,跟住佢就話等一陣,你個character 嘗試緊chop down 棵樹

- 按tinderbox(個火柴盒),跟住按 d logs(木) = use tinderbox with logs → 點著個火

2. Fishing and Cooking via fire

- 之後要你去網蝦仔 (shrimp),佢會俾個net你,你就按個net再按個lake (湖),就會有shrimps,跟住佢會叫你煮熟d蝦,咁你就按生蝦 (raw shrimps),再按d 火(fire) ,咁就即係“use shrimps with fire”

3. Cokking via range and making bread

- 到cook啦,問個cook拿了 pot of flour 及 a bucket of water,你 按完pot of flour,再按bucket of water,或者兩樣倒返轉按亦得,就有個 白色圓圓o地的 o野(唔記得叫乜),你再按那白色圓圓o地的 o野再按個爐 (range),就整到bread

4. Mining and Smithing

(i) 先同個tutor talk,再去兩種石度 right click “prospect rocks”,要等一陣先可以知道咩石

(ii) 佢俾o左pick axe你你就可以mine copper (橙色的)及 tin(灰灰o地)

(iii) 又同tutor talk,埋去 furnace 度,按 copper或者 tin 再按 furnace,就有bronze bars

(iv) 再同tutor talk,佢俾個 hammer你,你就按bronze bars再按個anvil,跟住彈個表出o黎,你一定只可選dragger,整o左把dragger

5. Combat and Range

- 佢叫你wield dragger你就按一下draggar,或right click dragger 選“wield dragger”,draggar會出現到你的配置 (inventory,有個人身再有四個箭咀指住的那個icon)上;要你unwield dragger 你就去inventory right click dragger “unwield dragger”

- 跟住佢俾sword同wooden shield你,你又照樣wield o左佢,就可以入去打rat 囉!打死隻rat出番來同tutor talk

- 佢俾bow 同arrow你時你都要wield呢兩樣o野,在圍欄出面射箭

6. Prayer, Friend list and Ignore list

- 要climb up ladder 後行一陣有個神父同你講o下點用friend list 同ignore list

7. Mage (Magic)

- 你可以在配置上按bow 同arrow去unwield 佢o地,因為好易在cast mage 時變o左射箭,個tutor會俾d runes 你,你就按閃閃o下的那個icon (有本書仔),按level 1 的air strike再按 d chicken,咁成功一次佢就會問你去唔去Mainland o架啦!你一定要話去,如果唔係你就會stuck o左 o向 tutorial island度升咩level都最多去到3。

2008-09-01 16:25:33 補充:
你話唔去都唔會stuck 你talk to個tutor again 就會去Mainland 啦

2008-09-03 18:55:33 補充:
把袋內一樣D野夾到一齊係runescape 係唔ok
但係你可以係bank ch note 就多多ok(10000000000000000m係ok if you use note

2008-09-05 17:07:08 補充:

2008-09-06 09:40:36 補充:

2008-09-07 17:47:17 補充:
把袋內一樣的東西夾在一起,按一樣東西(Left click),在Left click另外一樣東西係唔ok
你不應信賴lonely boy sook 說的 : 把袋內一樣的東西夾在一起,按一樣東西(Left click),在Left click另外一樣東西

2008-09-07 18:13:27 補充:
你see tungtung2177
2008-09-08 2:10 am
You can choose what task to do next: this next one is banking. Head to the Lumbridge Castle and climb the stairs to the top floor. Here you meet the Bank Tutor. The bank is a helpful tool to store you many items. This tutorial will show you the basics of deposits and withdrawls, and how to use tabs.

Go to the east of Lumbridge, across the river, and proceed into the mine. Once inside, head over to the Mining Tutor. He will teach you about prospecting rocks, pickaxes and mining rocks.

Speak to tutor about prospecting rocks, and find some Copper ore. Extract it by using the pickaxe on the rock, or simply left-clicking the rock if you have wielded the pickaxe. Use the same method to prospect and mine tin ore. Monlum will direct you to Feoras, the Smelting Tutor. He can be found above ground at the Furnace.

Smelt with the furnace, and a menu will appear detailing all bars that are available. Right-click Bronze Bar, choose Smelt X, type 1. Well done! You get a Bronze Bar. Feroas will then direct you back to the Mine, where Sani, the Smithing Tutor is.

Back in the Mine, Sani is located to the East. He teaches how to turn that bronze bar into an item. Use your bronze bar with the anvil and a menu will pop up. Select the Bronze Axe and Make 1 Axe. Congratulations! Now you can use this axe to chop trees. Sani will direct you to Wilfred, the Woodcutting Tutor. He is found near Feoras, the Smelting Tutor.

There are many trees around RuneScape, with different types. To cut them we need an axe: this can be wielded like a weapon. Wilfred will ask you to cut down a basic tree.

After getting the logs, Wilfred asks if you want to make a fire. He will direct you to the General Store, located by an empty Pot on the minimap, to buy a tinderbox. The store owner will teach you how to use shops. Right-click and Trade with the Shopkeeper, and buy 1 tinderbox. Head back to Sir Vant in the cellar once you have done this.

2008-09-07 18:12:05 補充:
i can't write all

go to see all

no chose me!!

chose 港鐵
2008-09-08 2:06 am
i am 港鐵


After fighting the dragon, he gives you a sword and a shield to start your combat basics training. If you hover your cursor over an attackable character in RuneScape, their combat level will appear in the top-left corner of the game screen. Sir Vant decides that the best way to learn about combat is to fight a goblin! Make sure you pick up the items it dropped.

Sir Vant will give you a list of tasks, which will be put in your Quest Journal.

The dragon returns, but this time it brings a friend: a Chaos Druid. Sir Vant needs your assistance!

Speak to Nemarti, the Ranged Tutor. She will give you a bow and some arrows, and will teach you how to use them. Nemarti shows you how to wield the items, and explains death with more depth. Fighting styles will also be explained, as you proceed to attack a target from a distance.

When your training is complete, head back to Sir Vant and fight against the Chaos Druid. Use the Longrange attack style!

2008-09-07 18:06:58 補充:
read the tsuikinyip2 to do next
2008-09-07 5:18 am
Learning The Rope是新加的,和原本的Tutorial Island不一樣。

我認爲你最好好好閲讀Sir Vant給你的指示,否則你是學不會玩Runescape的。

把袋內一樣的東西夾在一起,按一樣東西(Left click),在Left click另外一樣東西(通常是這樣)。
拿了錢出來,就得問Bank tutor指示。

MSN是[email protected]
What do you mean我SEND 個AC比你,請不要把Password給我
參考: Shhhoi(暫時lvl 105)

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