Convex set problem

2008-09-01 10:40 pm
Let R2 be the set of all real ordered pairs. A subset S of R2 is said to be convex if

for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1
(a) Prove that the intersection of two convex sets is convex.
(b) For any subsets A, B of R2, define


Prove that if A, B are convex, then A + B is also convex.
(c) For any subsets A of R2 and real value of γ, define


Prove that if A is convex, then γA is also convex.

回答 (2)

2008-09-02 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Link to my solution (config.gif):

To John: A is NOT a subset of A∩B (intersection of A and B). Therefore you cannot directly argue αw1 βw2єA∩B because αw1 βw2єA and αw1 βw2єB
My other two parts are similar to yours.
2008-09-02 2:47 am
for all w1,w2єA∩B,
αw1+βw2єA for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1 (A is a subset of A∩B)
αw1+βw2єB for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1 (B is a subset of A∩B)
therefore αw1+βw2єA∩B for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1
thus A∩B is also convex
(b)for all w1,w2єA+B,for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1
=α(u1+v1)+β(u2+v2) for some u1,u2єA,v1,v2єB
note:αu1+βu2єA (A is convex),αv1+βv2єB(B is convex)
therefore αw1+βw2є(A+B)
thus A+B is also convex
(c)for all w1,w2єγA,for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1
=αγu1+βγu2 for some u1,u2єγA
Note:αu1+βu2єA (A is convex)
therefore αw1+βw2єγA
thus γA is also convex

2008-09-01 19:54:23 補充:
αw1+βw2єA for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1 (A∩B is a subset of A)
αw1+βw2єB for all α, β >= 0 and α + β = 1 (A∩B is a subset of B)

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